Saturday, August 14, 2010

Module 3: Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting on the Project

Major Assumptions

In accordance with my aim to improve the quality of education given to students in public schools, I have a few assumptions about my project

*Students in public schools are often from families who know little about the use of Education, and therefore don’t get much help from their household, and often times are not encouraged to continue their education

*Many Students who attend these schools come from country sides to get education, they come learning to learn starting from 1st grade, these students don’t have any experience learning in pre-school, hence have more difficulty in understanding and absorbing the lesson content quickly

*Often time’s students who have the interest in learning don’t have the place where they can study and do their home works, they don’t have anyone to help them with their home works as well

*As a result students have a lot of problems understanding their lessons, and hence don’t do well in their examinations

*I want to learn more about how lessons are conducted in public schools, so that I could see what kind of challenges that students’ experience every day while they are in school


****The staff has a total of 11 members.

Project Manager

1. vice Project Manager

2. Secretary

3. Project Evaluation supervisor

*4. Credit Hour officer

*5. Student progress officer

6. Public Relations officer vice public relations officer

*7. vice public relations officer

*8. Community relations supervisor

9. Finance Officer

*10. Budget Manager and Reporter

*Shows that staff members are under other staff members(they report to them)

Project Title: Opening up tutoring programs for public school students from grades 1-4 to teach them fundamental skills in English and Mathematics

Project Manager: Bethlehem Seifu Belianeh

Back ground to Project:

The project first targets 100 students from grades 1-4 to teach them fundamental skills in English and Mathematics. It is within the view of lack of quality education dispensed to majority of students in public schools. It hopes to cultivate the students skills in learning media ( i.e. English and Mathematics), by giving tutoring lessons. The project is planned to operate in a unique approach by using the 5 to 1 method, every volunteer is responsible for teaching 5 students, in such a way more students are benefited. The project hopes to start with 25 volunteers that will be allocated to 4 classes (1st -4th grade). If things keep going smoothly and more volunteers are added, teacher to student ratio could be reduced to 1 to 1, that will be the ultimate goal, “One volunteer for one student…”. As a result it hopes to maximize impact, by making sure that sufficient attention is paid to every student enrolling.

Purpose of Evaluation:

The purpose of my project evaluation is to share with Y.W.C.A(partner and funder), and other affiliated sponsors the outcomes and impact of the project, and to keep them up to date with regards to how the money and technical support we ask from them was used. Through evaluation I also want to learn more about the needs of the students in public schools and also identify other problems in the society that prevents students from succeeding in their education. The evaluation will also give me results in to how effective my project has been, by assigning a person to evaluate the students’ and by assigning another person to evaluate volunteer performance, I hope I can get to the bottom of what make a project successful enough to impact its surroundings. In doing the evaluation I also want to review what approaches worked, and which didn’t so I can improve my project management skills.

Involvement of stake holders: The following members will be involved in the evaluation.

I. Students in the tutoring programs: Students will be monitored periodically by Student progress officer, and will be interviewed after the end of the project about the difference the tutoring program had for them.

II. Project Evaluation Supervisor: The project Evaluation supervisor’s main responsibility is to monitor the evaluation of the project. The credit hour officer and student progress officer report to the project evaluation supervisor. The project Evaluation officer reports weekly, about the volunteer’s and students performances. The project evaluation supervisor reports to the project manager.

III. Credit hour officer: The credit hour officer monitors volunteers’ activity and is in charge of handling the credit hour system. In which the officer records any absents, or late comings that the volunteers might show while on the project. The credit hour officer reports to the Project manager and the Project Evaluation Supervisor.

IV. Student Progress officer: the students progress officer has a main job of monitoring daily students progress, this officer is in charge of monitoring any student absents or late comings as well. The student progress officer is required to submit daily reports to the project evaluation supervisor about students’ performances. The students’ progress officer is also in charge of monitoring, and recording students performances after the course has finished, by visiting the public schools that the students attend. The student progress officer reports to the Project manager and the Project Evaluation Supervisor.

Indicators of Achievement:


Objective I: Estimated amount of 100 students have gained fundamental skills in English and Mathematics, enabling them to proceed to their future studies with more understanding.


*The number of students who do well in classroom quizzes and examinations.

*The number of students who show progress in their studies and academic records, as a result of the tutoring program.

Evidence Required

How often

Obtained from

1. Number of students who start the tutoring program

At start

Project Evaluation supervisor

2. Number of Students who successfully complete the tutoring program

At the End of the Project

Project Evaluation Supervisor

3. Written and recorded Evaluations on the progress of students

Throughout the project

Student Progress officer

4. Volunteer Evaluation

Throughout the project

Credit hour officer

5. Photographs of the students and volunteers in the tutoring program

Throughout the project

Credit hour officer

6. Statements from students about the project how it has helped them

1-2 months after Academic year had started

Student progress officer

7. Statements/ Quote from the school teachers on how the students are doing after the classes

After 1-2 months after Academic year had started

Student progress officer

Objective II: After the lessons students have better understanding of the medium of Education (i.e Maths and English) and are doing better in their Classroom performances.


*Examination results from schools after the tutoring programs

*Students who were involved in the tutoring program passing with better grades than before

Evidence Required

How often

Obtained from

1.Follow up on the students in Saturday classes that will be conducted in the next academic year

2-3 months after the end of summer classes

Project evaluation officer

2.Collect data by retesting students when they attend the Saturday classes

At the start of next year

Student progress officer

3.Quizzes and oral examinations

Throughout the project

Project evaluation officer

4.Individual sessions to ask students about any problems they might have following the lesson material

Throughout the project

Community relations supervisor

5.Interviewing community members and parents about the support system at home

1-2 months after the start of Saturday class program

community relations supervisor

6.Written reports about students performance in the Saturday classes


Credit hour officer

7.Over all annual report on the performance of students and volunteers

At end

The staff

After accomplishing the above objectives, this project further aims to empower the youth who will be volunteering to teach at the tutoring programs. It’s with the hope that through the tutoring programs, student volunteers are able to become positive agents of change in their communities.


*Volunteer performance throughout the tutoring lessons

*Number of Volunteers who pass the minimum credit hour and who have good evaluation results

Evaluation Tools and techniques to be used: There is a specific staff member assigned to lead the project evaluation and to ensure that it produces an accurate result. The staff member assigned is the Project evaluation supervisor, under which the two staff members, the credit hour officer and the student progress officer work. The two officers are responsible for evaluating volunteers and students respectively. The credit hour system is one technique that is used for evaluation of volunteers’ performance, as it is very important to consider in this project. The other technique is monitoring the students’ progress with the consent of time done by the Student progress officer.

Baseline information required:

In the community that I am working on there are two public schools, both of which have elementary schools. At present there is insignificant support system from the community to these students. It is with hope that this project is a pioneer in having both the youth and students participate in something that benefits the community. Contacting and partnering with the public schools is in progress, as it is key in finding the students that need to be in the tutoring program. It will also be useful to collect information in the societies views on Education, and whether or not they would let their children enroll in the class rooms.

Logistical & resource considerations:

Time- There will be a written and recorded report made to Y.W.C.A and other sponsors at the end of the summer tutoring program. The evaluation will be held timely and will be reviewed weekly by the Project Manager and the staff.

Money- Main costs are for buying Pens and Exercise books, purchasing/Collecting teaching aids and materials. Additional costs are for conducting the closing ceremony, and buying sodas and refreshments for Volunteers and Students at the middle of the program.

People- I will be responsible for managing the project along with my staff, who will be assigned into specific tasks of the project. I will get assistance from Y.W.C.A staff and trained volunteers, as well as new ones.

Approach the analysis of information:

Reports that are made weekly will be reviewed and analysis on what approaches worked and what did not will be analyzed every month with a wider discussion by the staff. The staff will discuss with the students after gathering them up, and take note on their comments and suggestions. We will continue until the end of the lessons, improving and implementing changes along the way. Conclusive reports will be submitted at the end of the project, after the staff and the project manager had decided up on it.

Reporting and communication of outcomes/learning:

The final conclusive report will be submitted at the end of the project and will be produced to Y.W.C.A and other sponsors. We will regard it as a learning model that will help us in the implementation of the same project in another part of Addis Ababa, or it could also be useful to Y.W.C.A volunteers to guide them through the different approaches we used in our project. We will communicate timely with Y.W.C.A and other sponsors with our Public relations officer to further share the results of the project, and also exchange ideas with other organizations.

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