Friday, July 23, 2010


Hello to Everyone reading,

My name is Bethlehem Seifu. I am a 17 year old student from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This year I got an opportunity to join an E-course project management program powered by the organization Aid for smiles. The organization seeks to empower a wide range of young people, providing them with skills and opportunities to turn their ideas for their community into action.
I am really interested in this E-course, because it focuses on youth empowerment, something that I feel strongly about. I hope to use this blog as a platform of creating awarness, and sharing my ideas with the world!

Living in a third world country, I notice everyday the atrocities of poverty that are aggravating the living conditions of the poor. For this reason, I couldn't stay unresponsive to the reality that my community was going through. I wanted to help, I wanted in some way contribute to help people better their lives.

Which is why I came to volunteering, and giving back my society. I spend my spare time volunteering at a local orphanage, or may be tutoring students in government school. At my school I am the president of the Red Cross society club,I am also a trainee of first aid and peer to peer education on HIV and adolescence.
I love what I do, and I do it because of the internal satisfaction I get. As a volunteer, I have learnt a lot, I never knew by giving back you get so much in return. For now I hope to continue volunteering, concentrate on making an impact on my community, and convince other young people to do the same.
Thank you so much for reading,

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog Bethlehem! I'm very impressed with your experience. I expect that this e-course can help u much to realize your project. It's great to share ideas with you ^^
