Saturday, July 31, 2010

Project management E-course Assingment: Exersice 1B

What would be different in my community..

Children in public schools will be getting help in their studies and having access to libraries in their communities.
Back ground summary

My Target groups: Students from grades 1-4 in Public schools
Partners for the project : Y.W.C.A tutoring program staff, volunteers
Their views: Supportive groups, joining hands to make a difference.
Strengths and weaknesses: Strengths are in the already established Y.W.C.A tutoring program staff, there will be access to many volunteers who might be able to work on the project. Weaknesses are in the case of the community libraries, there might be some delay in getting the books on time because of the time that will be taken to find a sponsor, or willing people to donate books to the libraries.

Main activities: tutoring programs for children from grades 1-4 on Saturdays. Providing Library service to children who would like to do their homework and studying in.

Social dimensions: Changing the attitude of the society towards education, motivating parents to send their children to school.

Economic dimensions: By Capacity building increasing the amount of students that pass the national examinations, hence in elevating the amount of literacy among the society.

Cultural Dimensions: Motivating the number of girls going to school hence redefining cultural aspects in not sending young girls to educational facilities.

Educational Dimensions: Improving the a viability of quality education among public schools, ensuring that every student will have equal chance of getting more education in the future.
Needs satisfied: Recognizing Educational problems that need to be addressed among public schools, which will help in fulfilling the needs of children who are malnourished of sufficient education at a young age.
Motivation of the participants: In volunteering for this project, participants are helping to make a difference in children’s lives. They are helping create a better future for every child they help read, or write properly. They are changing the young’s life. It would be enough to impact one student among the many, for it would mean that their existence helped make a brighter future for at least a child.
Aims and Objectives:
*To engage the youth in humanitarian activities in the community.
*To help curb the lack of quality of education in public schools


In starting this project I have made 3 objectives to accomplish before fully launching the program. It is with the hope that after accomplishing these objectives I will be able to have more organization and focus to carry on the project successfully.

1. Find 10 volunteers that will help me launch the program

2. Contact 2 local government schools to initiate the tutoring programs.

3. Organize a charity event to collect 20 more volunteers that will start the first tutoring program.

Funding options:

Work in partnerships with Y.W.C.A tutoring program, local public schools, Host a charity event in schools to collect funds by means of volunteers.

The social context of the project lies on young children in public schools. It is meant to help them succeed by providing them with support to pursue their studies. As in the case of the the situation of the participants, they are volunteers who will like to give back to the society. It is anticipated that their are students, who are willing to bestow their time to the tutoring programs that will be stretched out to help these children. There is no particular reason to focus on a geographic location. However It would be continent for both the volunteers and the students to decide on a location that is nearby (like a local public school).

Time frame

The time frame for the project is short term; it will engage both volunteers and students in a short term program (i.e 6 months). After the tutoring programs have ended we hope to make a lasting effect on the communities. If we continue to build this chain around communities in Addis Ababa, we can carry on to our next target public schools in country sides. The only resource we need to keep is the inspiration and motivation of volunteers.
It matches the flow of activities in the community, in a mild way. Because initiatives such as these where not implemented before in my community, there might be some challenges ahead. For example parents might be reluctant to send their child to a Saturday tutoring class, but over time and through perseverance, we shall succeed in letting our community know that education is important.

Implementation of the Project

The project will be implemented through primarily on networking, advertising, and partnerships. Young people who have the initiatives of helping out in their community will have the chance to make a difference in their community. In order for the project to be launched, we must ask for cooperation from public schools so they could accommodate for us to use their spare class rooms for tutoring programs, to let us have access to libraries in Saturday’s. We will also work to put more books in these libraries provided that the students will be able to use them in tutoring programs.

The experience, knowledge, skills and ideas of the participants and also volunteers is very important in developing the project. The participants and the volunteers are the back bones of this project. More experienced participants will be put on monitoring posts to evaluate and watch through the project, they will be like watch dogs, they will anticipate problems, and if any occur will unite to solve them. They will also engage themselves into forming a check and balance system, to ensure that every volunteer is doing their job accordingly. They will also decide on actions taken against misconducts from either volunteers or students.

My Objectives in the SMART technique...

1. In September 2010, I will campaign to find 10 volunteers, and give them orientations on how to run the project.

2. In 2010 we will contact 2 local government schools to initiate the tutoring programs, and library service.

3. In 2010 we will organize a charity event to collect 20 volunteers that will start the first tutoring program.

Challenges and Risks

From my experience as a coordinating volunteer in tutoring programs, I was able to observe some challenges that any project-manager might face. Having a project that capitalizes volunteers as prime resources things always don’t go smoothly. I have seen many volunteers lose focus, and not do their tasks appropriately. Some of them don’t show up to the tutoring classes, some are late. Some just quit at the middle of the program, and not show up until the end of the program. The other challenge beside volunteers are partnering with the public schools. As I mentioned earlier these kinds of initiatives were not practiced before in my community, therefore I might experience some problems with the full cooperation of the public schools to let us use their learning space, and libraries.

The risks are to invest money in the charity events, for they might not go as planned. In order to tackle these risks, I propose to fully advertise the event personally by the use of volunteers in my community. It is with the aim to inspire the community, especially parents to come to the event and see what we are planning. This will also help us in getting their cooperation to let their children come to the tutoring programs.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Hello to Everyone reading,

My name is Bethlehem Seifu. I am a 17 year old student from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This year I got an opportunity to join an E-course project management program powered by the organization Aid for smiles. The organization seeks to empower a wide range of young people, providing them with skills and opportunities to turn their ideas for their community into action.
I am really interested in this E-course, because it focuses on youth empowerment, something that I feel strongly about. I hope to use this blog as a platform of creating awarness, and sharing my ideas with the world!

Living in a third world country, I notice everyday the atrocities of poverty that are aggravating the living conditions of the poor. For this reason, I couldn't stay unresponsive to the reality that my community was going through. I wanted to help, I wanted in some way contribute to help people better their lives.

Which is why I came to volunteering, and giving back my society. I spend my spare time volunteering at a local orphanage, or may be tutoring students in government school. At my school I am the president of the Red Cross society club,I am also a trainee of first aid and peer to peer education on HIV and adolescence.
I love what I do, and I do it because of the internal satisfaction I get. As a volunteer, I have learnt a lot, I never knew by giving back you get so much in return. For now I hope to continue volunteering, concentrate on making an impact on my community, and convince other young people to do the same.
Thank you so much for reading,

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My New Blog!

Hello to Everyone reading!!

I have just started my blog, I am really looking forward to an amazing time Blogging with my fellow Bloggers. I hope that this will be a good experience sharing for every one in the Aid for smiles E-course project management course, as for my part I am really excited to start. This will be the first of many steps in bringing global solutions to the most pressing issues that we are facing today. I believe that the youth is the answer and empowering the youth creates a long lasting effect on the outcome on the success of our soloutions. Join me in my blog in discussing about the issues that concern us. Let us empower the youth! let's give Power to the helpless!